District 7

Area 58 A.A. - Southern Oregon

Get in touch

District 7 A.A. Officers

District Committee Member: Dallas P. - DCM07@aa-oregon.org / (541) 441-3124

Alternate District Committee Member: Shane J. - DCM07-alt@aa-oregon.org

District Secretary: Forest S. - secretary@district7aa.org

District Treasurer: Melanie T. - treasurer@district7aa.org

District 7 A.A. Committee Chairs

Accessibilities Chair: OPEN

Archives Chair: Carrie B. - archiveschair@district7aa.org

CPC/ PI Chair: Damon O. - cpc-pi-chair@district7aa.org

Correctional Facilities Chair(Men): open

Correctional Facilities Chair(women): open

Grapevine/LaVina Chair: Forest S. - grapevine-chair@district7aa.org

Treatment Facilities Chair: open

Webservant: Shane J. - webservant@district7aa.org

District 7 Contact Information

The local district, which communicates directly with the groups, providing the district group conscience for the area assemblies, and serving as a link between the area delegates and the G.S.R.s.

District 7

P.O. Box 1782

Grants Pass, OR 97528


Josephine county Intergroup Contact Information

Josephine county Intergroup is a nonprofit public interest group organized for the purpose of providing and encouraging mutual support and cooperation between the Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) groups/meetings – hereinafter referred to as “Groups” – in Josephine county, Oregon. Its sole function is to aid the A.A. Groups in their common purpose of carrying the A.A. message to the alcoholic who still suffers.

432 NW 6th Street, Room 202

Grants Pass, Oregon 97526

(541) 474-0782


Area 58 Contact Information

The area committee, which coordinates vital A.A. activities over a broad geographic area; sends a delegate to the annual General Service Conference; holds area assemblies to determine the needs of the Fellowship; and provides information at all levels of service.

Area 58 Treasury

1900 NE 3rd Street, Suite 106-172

Bend, OR 97701


General Service Office Contact Information

A.A.’s General Service Office functions as a storehouse of A.A. information, communicating with members and groups around the world; publishes A.A.’s literature; and supplies information and experience to professionals and others interested in the disease of alcoholism.

A.A. General Service Office

P.O. Box 459 - Grand Central Station

New York, New York 10163
